Are You an Angry Fan and want to be Happy? Get All The Intel scalpers get by simply Registering and being a Free Level Member. It’s for all TixFANs, regardless of whether you only want to score for yourself or be a TixFAN Gig earner.
Are You an Angry Fan and want to be Happy? Get All The Intel scalpers get by simply Registering and being a Free Level Member. It’s for all TixFANs, regardless of whether you only want to score for yourself or be a TixFAN Gig earner.
Fan Education comes with our Updates and by providing Registered TixFANs with all Intel that Professional Brokers can access.
Fan Education comes with our Updates and by providing Registered TixFANs with all Intel that Professional Brokers can access.
Buy Tickets on our Credit Cards Worldwide for a Risk-Free Commission. All Fans should have an advocate in their corner. Text your TixFAN Concierge and relax. We always are looking for Fans to be Brand Ambassadors. Should you wish to be one, TixFAN will interview you and provide you with a Sales objective. All new Subscriptions you generate earn commissions.
“Welcome to the 1st “Fan Centric” ticket model in history! TixFAN MUST do anything and everything to benefit Fans.”
Ken Lowson
Taking care of the five items is the initial Core Mission of TixFAN; afterward, we will systematically expose and then fight for Fans against anti-consumer behavior. TixFAN will uncover and eliminate corrupt behavior via our YouTube shows. Most Fans don’t realize that Primary Sellers work for the Venues and Promotors work for the Attractions, with millions spent on lobbyists. But where is the Fan Lobby? See below:
“These things Cost Fans the Most.”
Corruption is the number one reason Fans get screwed.
“Exposing corruption in as many places as possible will ensure the highest % of quality tickets go direct to Fans.”
Staying on top of even one Event is a burden on Fans; which Pre-Sale will have the seats you want at a price you can afford? Fans are in the dark.
“TixFAN will soon release the greatest gift to Fans in history. “Playing Field Leveled” gives Fans all the Intel and methods that the pros use.”
Scalper Bots continue to harm real Fans. Waiting Rooms or Individual Code Lotteries stopped the 1st Come 1st Serve Ticket Bots.
“Yet at the same time, new style Bots were created immediately to circumvent Waiting Rooms and cheat with Lottery Bots.”
Most Fans don’t realize that fear of missing out is as powerful as any drug, especially with younger people who view events as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
“TixFAN knows that 99% of ticket markets start high and go down until the end, where there may be a spike. TixFAN Concierges ensure TixFAN Consumers get the best deal possible.”
We don’t know the exact numbers, but we know that Secondary Markets spend up to a Billion a month on Click Ads. Fans usually choose the top link. Guess where that billion a month comes from? Yes, it’s the hidden transaction fees.
“TixFAN doesn’t have hidden fees, as we use traditional and Social Media to acquire new TixFANs.”
The only way that Government can help Fans is with enforced Laws and Regulations. Furthermore, change only happens if Politicians believe they may lose Votes.
“Ticket Bots proved it! When Fan’s anger became large enough. Politicians worldwide made Anti Ticket Bot Laws after realizing unhappy Fans lead to lost votes.” Ken Lowson
Here are the additional ways Fans can help make a difference:
“The more complaints, social comments, etc., provides TixFANs the leverage needed to negotiate with Teams and Artists for quality seats secured for TixFAN Rebel Army Members.
“Similar to a Fan Club page, TixFAN makes a Social Page for all Fans that pick a particular Artist, Team, Theatre, Festival, etc. The higher the count, the more leverage TixFAN has to help Fans.”
“Many Artists and Teams make serious efforts to ensure their Fans get the seats before Scalpers. It’s easy to tell which Artists and Teams care about Fans.
“Either they sell the tickets at the advertised price, or they don’t.”
Anything other than selling at Advertised prices is a Bait and Switch scam. Promoting Fake Value is a simple trick played on Fans so they believe their beloved Idols aren’t greedy pigs when the Fan’s FOMO is peaking, using Dynamic Pricing and new names for the same seats (Platinum, VIP, etc.) ess.
“The best way to do this is TixFAN selling directly to Fans at the price the Artist or Team wants. Our Seal is a way of showing Fans their Idols care about them.”
“The Scalpers, the Legit Dealers, Promoters, and Venues have hundreds of Lobbyists and spent over 10 Million USD in 2022. The various Lobbyists get paid to ensure Fans are gouged with ridiculous fees and dynamic pricing or miss out. They don’t care if you miss the show as they know there is another that will take your place. Amazingly, we cannot find a Fan Lobbyist. So we decided to make one. Yet, it’s gonna be expensive.”
The Promoters, Artists, Sports Leagues, Theatre Producers, Primary Sellers, and Legitimate Brokers have multiple Lobbies. Yet the Fans do not? It makes no sense that Fan Consumers have no representation in the Government.
TixFAN will start a Lobby; however, we can only afford to do this with the backing of the TixFAN Committee. We kindly appreciate all Patreon contributors via YouTube or this site. Without you, the Status Quo wins, and Fans continue to get gouged.
The timing is perfect for breaking up monopolies and stopping false advertising. TixFAN’s Lobby will fight for Fan Consumers and transparency in the marketplace.
TixFAN Income Gigs
TixFAN Shoppers
Buy Tickets on our Credit Cards Worldwide for a Risk-Free Commission.
“It’s about time Fans earned instead of Scalpers.
TixFAN Concierges
All Fans should have an advocate in their corner. Text your TixFAN Concierge and relax.
“Enjoy having your own Ticket Concierge obligated to your interests.”
TixFAN Marketing
We always are looking for Fans to be Brand Ambassadors. Should you wish to be one, TixFAN will interview you and provide you with a Sales objective. All new Subscriptions you generate earn commissions.
TixFAN Equalizers
Playing Field Leveled
A Public Service that Delivers the same Intel Pro Scalpers get Directly to Registered TixFAN’s.
“We got tired of hearing Politicians on the News state that Fans need a level playing field against scalpers. So TixFAN decided to solve the problem once and for all.
TixFAN Real News
The Fans needed a trustworthy news source for ticket buying. Similar to the lobbyist’s situation, the Industry has plenty of News sources that are spun to fool Fans.
“Fans needed a source they could trust, and TixFAN is committed to reporting anything that goes against Fan interests.”
TixFAN Worldwide Complaint Center
In an industry known for lack of customer service or any genuine care about the Fan consumer. The only way Fans win is mass complaints.
“The more complaints, the better. The TixFAN Complaint Amplifier submits a TixFAN complaint to all government and consumer protection orgs we know about. It increases Fan leverage dramatically.”
“TixFAN knows that every Fan is different and has unique needs, ethics, and desire. So we created multiple markets so Fans can choose which they like best.
Additionally, we don’t charge multiple hidden fees at the end of a transaction to finance Click Ads. Instead, we choose reputable Press and Social Media. Why? Because charging a % on a Bar Code should be against the law. There is no difference in the effort to transfer a $1 or $5000 ticket.”
Ken Lowson
Our Nonprofit Fan to Fan Market disallows sales above the proven original cost. TixFAN has one single fee. $5 a ticket to cover processing and delivery expenses.
To provide Fans with a way to get tickets 24/7/365, TixFAN Consolidated traditional Secondary Markets plus markets all-in-one pricing without hidden fees.
Avoid the Pain of Battling it Out for 45 Minutes Multiple Times. Your TixFAN Concierge will buy directly for you.
Many markets allow Brokers and Scalpers to list tickets before owning them. TixFANs know it’s a phantom listing when they see the words “Super Saver” vs. the general public believing they are buying actual seats. We are simple and don’t mix In Hand Tickets with Fantom Listings. Instead of trying to fool you, “Or Better” vets the Broker, ensuring they deliver your tickets. Most “Or Better” orders get fulfilled with better locations than promised.
The bottom line is there is no such thing as a Sell-Out, and most events have excess inventory on the day of the Event. It is where you find the best deals. Fire Sale tickets are below the advertised price.